The world is in lock-down to reduce the speed of Covid-19 spreading. We’ve heard a lot of doom and gloom, but let’s turn it around people! Accept that we need to hunker down for a while and make the most of it. Remember, there is no need to panic, just a need to be sensible.
This is the perfect time to recharge and achieve those goals that typically end up ‘on the back burner’. Never have time to do such and such? NOW YOU HAVE TIME!
Let’s get started…
- Cut back on processed food and make some delicious homemade goodness.
- That large stash of fabric that's grown over the years - get out the sewing machine and sew up a new top, a cushion cover or a dress.
- Clear out the '3rd drawer down' once and for all!
- Spend time in your garden. Then sit back and enjoy it.
- Learn a new DIY craft.
- Support your local butcher, cafe or clothing store. Lost business will have a bigger effect on local businesses than large retailers. If you can't go to these stores (such as Alert Level 4), check out their website for new stock and promotions.
- Try a new recipe using food you already have in your pantry.
- Take an online course. If you live in Auckland, the library website offers free online resources too. If you live in other parts of the country, find out what your local library has to offer online.
- Clear out the garage. Sell. Donate. Or throw.
- Make an antiseptic all-purpose spray. Green Goddess has lots of great eco-friendly household recipes.
- Plant something that encourages bees and native birds to come into the garden.
- Lift your spirits with some locally made skincare or make your own shampoo or body butter.
- Depending what lockdown level the country is at, take the family for a walk along a local beach, topped off with some local fish and chips.
- Declutter some high-traffic areas of your home and feel those kilos drop away :)
- Download an old favourite album from Spotify. Now grab your air-guitar.
- Talk to friends on the phone (like the olden days!). Just because we can't see each other doesn't mean we have to miss each other's company.
- Jump on your bike. Seriously, the roads are safer than they ever have been.
- Beef up your immune system with good sleep, exercise and good food.
- Schedule in some self-care, whether it's a massage, knitting or reading a book. Whatever floats ya boat.
- Clean out your inbox. And be ruthless!
- Fix those niggly little projects around the house eg: patch hole in the wall, finish painting the fence, change a broken bulb, finally hang those photos.
- Share memories of your younger self with your children. Get out the photo albums and prove to them how cool you were (and bloody well still are!).
Hi ladies
Thank you so much for this great email.
I met you at the Logan Campbell Craft show. I have also shared your website with my WhatsApp Street Group.
We are going to make the lip balm today which I bought for my daughter.
Keep well and keep up the great work. Kind regards
Great message Lisa and typical if the person you are. Much love cx