Interesting Things To Do with Friends, Other than Dinner!
Every time you see your girlfriends, at least one of you will say "we must do this again soon". But then it doesn't happen.
One way to motivate others to ensure it does happen is to find interesting things, other than dinner.
Here's a list of fun activities to help make that 'time together' happen. Â
- Host a sleepover. Compulsory pyjamas and slippers, magazines, and takeaways delivered to your door.
- Visit a bookstore or library. What is it about being surrounded by books that calms you down? The smell of them, flicking through the pages, or the peace and quiet. Perhaps all of the above. If you've never spent some time in the new Devonport Public Library it's worth the drive. Lots of areas to escape to with side lamps and gorgeous big armchairs.
- Go shopping for delicious fabrics. You may have a sewing project in mind, but then again, you may not. Either way, you can justify buying fabric anytime if you put your mind to it.
- Go for a bush walk. New Zealand is full of amazing DOC tracks - why not venture somewhere you've never been before?
- Buy a new lippy. Lipstick sales statistically increase during an economic crisis. Why? Because regardless of external stresses, you'll always feel positive wearing a new lipstick!
- Learn a new craft (or rediscover a childhood favourite). I've recently started macrame after a 40-year break from it, and now I can't get enough of it! Book a Makekit workshop to bring you and your friend/s together for an afternoon or evening, without the need for previous experience. Great for busy people who enjoy being creative but don't have the time or know-how to source all the materials needed to make it happen.
- Have a game of cards, or pull out that game you play with the kids which you secretly love to play anyway.    Â
- Hire a bike from Next Bike and (if in Auckland) ride around Wynyard Quarter. Stop off for a bite to eat at Silo markets. Alternatively, if there is some gossip which must be talked about until you lose your voice, opt for speed walking instead.  Â
- Plan an afternoon of strawberry picking, walking along a beach (summer or winter), or visiting your local Botanical gardens.
- Binge watch a TV series with good cheese and even better wine.Â
If you have more than one group of friends who would all get along famously given the chance, a great way to break the ice is doing an DIY project together.
Which would you choose? Do you have an idea that brings people together?
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Cooking together is always fun – or a Masterchef Challenge!