How to be Organised for Christmas - The Easy Way!

It's easy to get 'into a flap' about Christmas, especially here in the Southern hemisphere when you not only have Christmas to sort out, but summer holidays to organise as well.
Here are my tips to help get you Christmas-ready and stay ahead of the big tasks...
Start adding a Christmas item or two to your grocery list each week. Items such as batteries, paper plates, spring rolls and sunscreen.
Better still start doing your grocery shopping online. I get that some people enjoy the ritual of browsing the supermarket but some of us also don't. I've had my groceries delivered for over a decade now and I wouldn't do it any other way. It means sticking to a budget and having it done in 10 minutes which are big pluses. Buy a 3 or 6-month delivery pass it's makes it very economical too. Â
Order a ham, whole fillet, seafood platter, whatever you fancy, well ahead of time.
Do as much gift shopping as you can online. And most important of all, have a list before you start! This is not a time for leisurely browsing hundreds of websites.
The price for postage is nothing compared to the stress of finding a carpark, getting to a store only to find they don't have the size/colour you want or waiting in queues. The stress can be ten-fold if you have tired children with you.
MakeKit offer gorgeous Christmas presents at $12-$44. Beautifully packaged, they come with all the materials you need to make modern, useful items such as food wraps, gemstone soaps, bath bombs, shampoo bars, pin cushion, plant hangers and loads more.  The best thing about online shopping is that surprise in the mail. Seriously, who doesn't love that?
Ask everyone what they'd like. You may need to be firm with some relatives who want to talk about it later. Even just a general idea is better than no idea at all. We have Christmas decoration kits as well, like the gorgeous Christmas fabric wreath.Â
Wrap gifts as you buy them. Bought. Wrapped. Done. Enough said. Â
Hire a student to do the odd jobs. Post an advertisement on the Student Job Search website, Neighbourly or your community Facebook page. Lawns, gardening, cleaning out the fridge, mopping the floor, staining the deck - whatever you need. The kind of jobs you lack the time or enthusiasm to do is perfect for a student who is keen to earn a little extra over the long break.
Donate unwanted toys, clothes and bedding to a charity. It's the perfect time to remember just how lucky you are, and how you can help others. Clearing out unwanted items is also a great exercise to get children involved in too. You may find some things have never been opened which is perfect if you want to add a gift to the KMart Christmas tree.
Support a local business. Local markets, school community education classes and small businesses like ourselves say 'gifts made with heart'. Â
If you have children, have the kids make their own Christmas gift tags and cards. See our Christmas Crafts board on Pinterest for tons of decorating and wrapping ideas, with the emphasis on quick, easy and adorable.Â
You can find other great Christmas crafts ideas for kids at Twinkl, leaders in Primary Teaching Resources globally. Â